Health & Safety

The success of the CWA depends upon the efficient and effective use of resources to maintain high quality services for the City of Houston and our customers. Our most important resources are our employees. To protect this resource, we are committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace for all employees by establishing and maintaining an effective safety and accident prevention program. Safety is, and will continue to be, a fundamental part of our organization’s operations.

Management of CWA has a vital interest in its employees’ health and safety. Protecting employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. CWA will make every effort to provide a safe, healthy work environment. All employees must continue to be committed in doing their part in reducing the risk of injury. CWA, as an employer, is ultimately responsible for employee health and safety.

CWA’s Safety Program is based on the following:

  • Management Commitment – Management is committed to eliminating hazards and continuously improving workplace safety and will lead by example.
  • Employee Participation – CWA employees will be involved with all aspects of the Safety Program including identification and reporting of hazards, elimination/control of hazards, reporting safety incidents, and maintaining safety education and training credentials.
  • Hazard Identification and Assessment – Hazards associated with routine, non-routine and emergency situations will be identified and assessed. Procedures are in-place to continually identify and assess workplace hazards.
  • Hazard Prevention and Control – The Safety Manager, Superintendents, and CWA Employees will work together to develop methods to eliminate, prevent or control workplace hazards. Safety plans will be developed to ensure controls are implemented, protections are provided and progress is tracked.
  • Education and Training – All CWA employees including Managers, Safety Manager, Superintendents, Foremen, Operators and Technicians will receive training on how CWA’s Safety Program is to be implemented and their responsibilities. In addition, specific job responsibility training/education will be required such as Electrical Safety Training, Excavation Safety Training, Fall Protection/Prevention, Confined Space Training, and General Industry/Construction Safety Training (8-hour Basic Plus).
  • Inspections and Audits – To ensure processes and procedures in this program and the specific activity safety plans are being implement correctly, CWA’s Safety Manager will perform inspections and provide written reports to appropriate Superintendents and Operations staff. These inspections will be used to continually evaluate the safety program and identify areas for improvement.